Thursday, June 29, 2017
The Hanged Man.
The Hanged Man hangs suspended, upside-down, from the living World Tree which is rooted in the underworld and supporting the heavens.
He is hanging on the tree of his own will. His right foot is bound to the tree but his left foot remains free, bent at the knee. His arms are bent, with hands held behind his back. This is the card of ultimate surrender, of being suspended in time and of martyrdom and sacrifice to the greater good.
This is the archetype to meditate on to help break old patterns of behaviour and bad habits that restrict you.
Justice isn't fair, or rather it is...but not in the short term. The consequences of actions play out. It isn't nice, it isn't pretty. Things and people get broken as a consequence.
Well-ordered thoughts, and logic must be balanced by intuition.
Ultimately the of justice is in making fine adjustments.
When the city is burning and someone has to wear the suit, justice has been absent for too long.
The Wheel of fortune.
Which one you are depends on fate.
We would like to think otherwise but...
The wheel of fortune spins insanely around whilst the helicopter above, like a guardian angel or death dealing machine of war drops the books of knowledge the four characters in this card, will never read.
The outer circle of the roundabout represents the material world. The divisions inside the wheel represent the Universal radiant energy, as well as the four elements.
As the roundabout turns on the earth, so do the rotor blades of the helicopter, reflecting the celestial motion of the earth and galaxies as they circle around the infinite black hole that will be the ultimate end of all that we knew.
And it is always latter than you think.
The Hermit.
The Hermit stands alone, and is ready to share his knowledge with others.
The shotgun carried by the Hermit is the patriarch’s staff, a symbol of the narrow path of initiation and an emblem of power and authority. It represents the Hermit’s ability to use his isolation and the knowledge he has gained as a tool upon his path to reach even higher levels of awareness.
His secrets are not for everyone, only for those earnestly seeking them and those willing to climb the heights to wisdom.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
The woman gazes down at the ant lion and appears to be successfully taming this wild beast. She is surprised but confident, her white jumper indicating her purity of spirit. The ant lion is a symbol of hive mind and unconsciousness.
This ant lion is happy to submit and surrender to the woman.
The woman overcomes the ant lion with a quiet strength that can only come from within.
The Chariot.
The Chariot is associated with the journey. The chariot speeds the driver over and through the elements of earth, water, air and fire. The driver is protecting 'the Holy Grail' represented by the sphere of red liquid.
This card represents the spiritual transformation of man. The box of supplies signifies earth, a sign of strength of will. Freeman has taken off his suit showing that he is willing to experience the highest attainment of man in spiritual evolution.
The city is behind him, indicating he has turned his back on civilisation and materialism in order to seek spiritual matters.
The Lovers
Life is hard in City 17.
Dr Brean drones on about the suppression field, and the lovers cling together on the sofa.
The two figures in the Lovers card are blessed and protected for now, even if they don't know it. Someone, a kind stranger has decorated their room.
The multicolored light represents their mutual care and tenderness. The heart-shaped balloons are their light hearts filled with 'air' representing their communication, necessary for a healthy relationship.
I know it doesn't seem so good for them right now. Their lives are grim and miserable, but strange and wonderful things do happen, and love will slowly, slowly allow despair to be transformed.
The Hierophant
The Hierophant is known as the High Priest in some decks. He is the masculine counterpart to the High Priestess. He is also known as Chiron, the Pope and the Shaman.
The Hierophant is represented as a religious figure, standing within a formal church environment. He has access to the three worlds, and his role is to is take raw power from the Universe and to channel that power through society. The two spheres represent his role of maintaining balance between the conscious and subconscious minds and unlock the mysteries.
The Hierophant symbolises entry into all types of institutions where there is a shared group identity.
The Emperor
The Emperor is the complement to the Empress. He is the Masculine Principle, the Animus and the Patriarch. He represents power and authority.The Emperor has a stern attitude. He is a man who has has acquired years of wisdom and experience and he is worthy of listening to because he has seen first-hand the consequences of his actions.
At his feet there is a chess board, indicating that the Emperor combines his intellect with his determination, action, initiative and leadership.
The orange background and the Emperor’s orange HEV suit symbolise his passion and energy for life and the challenges it offers.
The Empress
The Empress is the archetypal Earth Mother, the Anima, the Feminine Principle, Demeter, Freyja and the Goddess of Fertility. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love, creativity, fertility, art, harmony, luxury, beauty and grace.
The main feature of this card is the Empress herself who sits in a forest with a river running through it, demonstrating the Empress’s deep emotional connection with Mother Earth and life.
She draws her sense of peace from the trees and the water and is rejuvenated by the energy of nature. She is surrounded by an abundance of health kits as the sun either rises or sets...
Monday, June 26, 2017
The High Priestess.
The High Priestess is also known as Persephone, Isis, the Corn Maiden and Artemis. She sits at the gate before the great Mystery. She sits between the darkness and the light, represented by the pillars of Solomon’s temple, which suggests it is she who is the mediator of the passage into the depth of reality.
The Magician.
The Magician is associated with the planet, Mercury and carries with it skill, logic, and intellect. The number of the Magician is one, the number of beginnings.
The Magician is the bridge between the world of the spirit and the world of humanity.
His right hand is raised to a sphere representing atomic force, and a new world above him. While his left hand points towards the fractured clock on fire symbolizing the imperative to transform, and the ground.
The magician takes the power of the Universe and channels it through his own body and directs it to the physical plane. The table holds all four suits of the Tarot, each of which represents one of the four primordial elements of the alchemists – earth, air, fire and water. These symbolise the appropriate use of mind, heart, body and soul in the process of manifestation.
The Magician’s robe is white, symbolising the purity and innocence found in the Fool but his trousers are denim, a pair of jeans representing worldly experience and knowledge.
The fool.
I've been meaning to make the Half Life tarot pack for years. So it is high time I actually began the 78 images. I meant to base this one on Crowley's Thoth pack, but in the end...I used the more standard image for the card.
So, what's happening?
Is this card the beginning or the end of Freeman?
Let's face it, he must have faced despair a thousand times already
The Fool is numbered 0, and he can be either at the beginning or at the end. Freeman is facing the bottomless sea, the unknown. He is looking upwards, toward the sky trying to forget where is is, who he is and what he has seen and done. He may be about to fall
He has a guardian in the form of his suit that protects him throughout his journey and has also caused him to learn the lessons he has had to learn.
But right now, at this very moment, Freeman has had enough.
It's up to you to decide, will he stop and put his suit back on, or is this the last card in the pack?
Well, obviously it is the first card for me.
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