Wednesday, April 18, 2012

WCA HL PLU walkthrough. 

Peaces Like us always was and always will be my favorite mod. I wrote the walkthrough because no one else had; I assume that they had better computer graphics than I, for the main reason I got stuck was that I couldn't see the place I had to go when crawling around that massive fan powered plain old weird machine. I was playing the game on a Windows 98 machine with a Voodoo card. Mine was the version of Half-Life where Freeman loses his glasses.

Here is the walktrough (also elsewhere on the web -see picture- but divided into chapters).

Peaces Like Us: Walkthrough.

What is a purpose?
It is 4:30 AM, you sit up in bed.........You can hear a vautigaunt somewhere near by.

Climb down the ladder at the side ofyour bed and you are in a room with some lockers and a scientist.

Go past the scientist and through the next door into another room with lockers, a ladder and two more scientists.

There is a door marked'Test Labs C33/a' go through the door and 'step into your suit'. The door at the back of the suit locker opens so continue down the corridor to another door and a lab where scientists, vautigaunts and a gargantua are doing experiments.

Thru the next door into a rest area, where sound-dogs are bouncing onthe seats and scientists eat their sandwiches. Look out of are on Xen.

Go thru the next 'Lab coats required' door. A scientist operates a small lift to open another door. Go through the one on the right. You are on a metal walkway over some green goo, walk to the metal grid at the far end and this causes the 'sterilizer' to operate. When it finishes the grid opens [LOADING]

A sign on the wall says 'Xen teleportation system development' charge up on HEV. A scientist is waiting for you in the lift, you take the lift down and another scientist and a security guard chat with you ' Looks like you are inthe barrel today sir' you are about to go up to the next door,you hear the sound that marks the end of peace and harmony, the gman has arrived.

The security guard opens the door and tells you that he will stay with the scientist [LOADING].

'WHAT IS A PURPOSE' You run down thedark corridor, down some steps, you can hear explosions and gun fire.Boxes, a broken one contains a health kit which you may use latter on.

Your objective is to get the teleportation system working. Gothrough the door and turn right. There is a door marked 'Control Room', go inside and grab your crowbar. One soldier will come looking for you, find him first and kill him with the crowbar.

Go back to the corridor and continue round to the door marked 'Generator Room'.Inside there are two grunts, get past them and 'use' the button to switch the generator on.

Now return to the control room and take the lift up. Here you will find out what 'your friend' grunt no'1 has been up to, a Glock is on the floor and a battery. At the back, on the right there is a switch. 'Use' the button and you should see the lights and power return to the Xen teleportation system [look through the grate], this is your next destination.

Return to the health kit, if you need to and then carry on around the corridor to the door marked 'LabTeleportation System'.

Go inside, there is a large Xen Christmas tree, holographic rocks float around the top and streamers of energy flicker like lightning.The green 'lightning' will not hurt you.

On the left is a long ladder,boxes and a battery at the base, head over to grab the battery and then QUICKLY get back out thru the door. There will be a soldier waiting in the corridor so be prepared. Meanwhile, back inside the room, soldiers are dropping in to "Get Freeman".

Strangely enough the grunts are unable to open the door from the teleporter room and so it is best to run forwards, open the door, run back and kill one soldier at a time....also the grunts are capable of blowing each other up as they are careless with their grenades, so be patient!

When they are dead go back in to the room, grab their ammo and smash the boxes. Start to climb the ladder [which is blocked half way up] as soon as you hear soldiers, leap off the ladder and run.

A grenade is dropped and this explosion un-blocks the ladder. Climb up to the catwalk and smash the vent on your left and then turn around and 'use'the button at the far end of the catwalk, you have done what you needed to do so run and duck-jump into the vent, you are safe in here.

Follow the vent around and witness the way that the gman listens kindly to other people's opinions..

Carry on through the vent until you come to a grate in the floor where the vent ends. Smash the grate and look down, under thewater there is a fan which WILL hurt you and a valve wheel just under the surface of the water. Jump in and rise to the surface quickly,swim to the valve and allow yourself to sink enough to 'use' the valve.

Swim forwards as you crouch into a short water-filled vent and on into another room, rise to get air then swim round to the left where you will find a ladder. Climb up and go through the door into a red corridor. [LOADING]

I don't forgive.

Carry on through the red corridor and up the steps to some boxes, crack them open for the goodies and then prepare to do battle with the grunts. Go through the door. When the soldiers have been killed [and one may be lurking in a room to your left] pick up ammo and explore.

There is a canal to your right, press the button to see the ichthyosaurs do their trick. Ignore the broken lift and the red room, go instead to the room at the far end of this area, here a vautigaunt is weeping over the death of his comrades......If you are low on health there is a health kit on top of the shelf on the left.

Break open all the boxes paying special attention to a large, half broken box at the back.Smash this one completely to reveal a ladder leading down into a 'secret' area containing ammo.

Return to the canal and jump into the water, don't worry about the fish! Swim along the surface of the water to cross over an under-water fence. Turn left to see a massive wheel, there is a slot cut into this wheel and you need to swim forwards as the slot comes around so that you are carried up inside the wheel.

The next wheel has two cut-outs, one is a slot and the other is a rectangular hole. Jump into the rectangular hole. Your next destination is the spinning cross, jump and crouch as soon as you land on the cross because there is another spinning cross above.

Crawl along the arm of the cross and then stand up just before jumping to the balcony. Go through the door into a corridor and re-load your weapons.

On your right there is a door that leads to a roomfull of blocks and pillars and soldiers. Again, the grunts are unable to open the door from the inside. When the fight is over,charge up your suit and health from the dispensers on the wall.

There is a door on the back wall and you can hear a gargantua,as you open the door you watch as a scientist is shot by automatic gunfire, run straight across to where three sound-dogs are shivering.

There is a button on the wall covered by glass, smash it and take cover as the automatic guns go off again. Then 'Use' the button and stand back as the gargantua is released. The gargantua stamps and takes out the automatic guns, finish off any remaining grunts and explore the room.

Climb up and over the boxes, the gargantua sees that you need some help [after you have jumped and failed to make it to the balcony], so stand back and let him help you. Make your way up to the balcony.....the gman stops by to stare at you for awhile, before adjusting his tie.

Go to the second door, inside there is a scientist and a button, and by the door you will find a nice, shinny Magnum. 'Use' the button to activate the 'Push Pod, a sort of train system inside the yellow tube that seems to use bounce-pads. One grunt guarding the gman shoots at you as the gman takes the push-pod. Go back to the room and 'use' the switch again, this time get inside the push-pod, walk towards the end of the tunnel to operate it.

The chase.

The push-pod journey ends. In the centre of the track, on your left there is an automatic gun , destroy it and make your way over the track to the boxes.

Here there are small, medium and some large boxes. Smash the small and medium boxes, but leave the large ones alone [they don't contain anything useful, just automatic gun-turrets aimed at you.]. There is one more automatic gun over by the bluescreen, on your right. There is a  gun inside the push-pod, and one more on the other side of the large boxes.

Ignore the one inside the Push-Pod and deal withthe gun by the box.Your way out is blocked by several trip mines, explode them and continue.

Around the corner....more trip mines, again use a grenade.

Around the final corner, there are three trip mines and a trapped vautigaunt. Jump over the first mine and then duck, stay crouching until you are by the vautigaunt [he will be useful latter on]. Duck through the vent that leads to a lift shaft, climb the ladder quickly, taking heat damage from the steam.

At the top look to you right. Diagonally across the gap there is a place to jump to. Crouch as you jump to make it across.

Heed the warning sign, there are electrified areas in this passageway so jump up onto the pipe to avoid more injury.

Smash the grate in the floor and jump down into the next area, here you can see why the vautigaunt was trapped. Break the crate that blocks the door, keep smashing because it contains another automatic gun, then open the door for the vautigaunt.

The vautigaunt then opens a door for you which leads to more ammo and better still, some healing.

Around the corner is a big bio-hazard spill, when the grunt sees you he kicks over another drum,and runs away.There is a trip mine and on the far side the laser for an automatic gun.

Shoot the trip mine and then return to where you dropped in. Use the movable trolley, push it into the bio-hazard spill so that you can jump up onto it and then across the spillage taking a minimum of damage. When you have got across the bio-hazard, shoot the gun on your left and then throw a grenade around the corner, there are two more guns there.Climb the steps and go into the room.

One grunt points a gun at you from a window directly in front of you whilst the gman watches. There are two doors,both locked and explosive crates placed in the corners of this area.......the crates are detonated and you fall, landing upon splinters of Xen rock.

Crouch forwards and let yourself fall from one splinter onto another until you can get onto the metal pipe. Follow the pipe backwards towards the dark,picking up some batteries on the way. There are two more rock splinters, jump on to them and then to the ground around the sheer drop.

Make your way around the gap, suddenly you hear the scream of an alien-master, shot down by an Apache helicopter.

This part of the game IS difficult, you will have to play cat and mouse with the helicopter.

When the helicopter seems to be going away, run around past the two light plants, there is a gap in the rocks to 'hide' in.........sometimes the grunts see you in there, other times not, try crouching?

From there jump across the gap, look for another light plant on the other side, on rock that sticks out slightly.

Duck behind boxes when the Apache returns.

Make your way around the drop.Beware, some boxes have trip mines attached, look before you jump and shoot the trip mines before you run into them, also look for the correct angle to jump from, that is very important.

Soldiers may also lob grenades and hassle you. It is hard to seewhere there is to get to, just continue making your way forwards around the gap to find an RPG launcher.

This part of the game plays many different ways, sometimes the helicopter crashes all by itself, sometimes it drops loads of grunts, other times you can shoot it down with the RPG and sometimes no soldiers appear. One of the joys of Half-Life is how things are not always the same.

Go through into the tunnel, it leads to another ledge-around-a-gap. Shoot theautomatic gun directly in front of you on the other side of the gap and then jump across, turn around quickly to get the other automatic gun. Jump across once more and follow the ledge around. Way above you there is a big red machine with two massive fans.

Look closely and you will see that on either side of the fan there is a door. Climb the ladder up to a metal beam that leads to a pipe. The pipe runs between the two sides of the fan, there are small fences along it. Jump over the first two fences and then turn around to look back at where you have been, you will see ladders either side of the fan-machines.

There is no good reason to bother with the right fan,chose the left ladder.

There are three metal bars that go around and in front of the fan. You need to get onto the middle one. Crouch and creep to the door at the side of the fan. Shoot the soldier, pick up ammo and 'use' the button.......the fan stops. Make your way back to the metal bar and walk in front of the fan and around to the other side, look carefully, there is a ladder. You need to get on to the black and yellow warning strip at the side of the fan-machine.Creep along until you get to the vent, smash it and crawlinside.

Climb the ladder into the Xen teleportation labs.:

Xen teleportation system.

Climb the ladder up to an area with a concrete floor, a bounce pad. There are three little floaters and a catwalk over head. Infront of you are tiers of rock. Use the bounce pad and climb the ladder up to an area with a concrete floor, a bounce pad. There are three little floaters and a catwalk overhead.

Infront of you are tiers of rock.
Use the bounce pad and land near Fido's kennel.

There is another bounce pad on this level,use it and hopefully you will land on a level with another bounce pad.Make your way up to the top of the rocks. Before you try to get to the catwalk via the floaters, turn around and go inside the cave.You can hear a Xen master, Xen bats and soldiers.

There is a small lift and a lever.Get onto the platform and 'use' the lever. There is health AND ammo to be found,jump off the platform so that you land on the ledge above the pool to pick up ammo.When your health is restored go forwards carefully.There is a spiral staircase, soldiers are waiting here. Get to the top and release the two sound-dogs from their cages. Pick up your crossbow and then use the lift and head for the floaters.

Jump the gap using the floaters to the catwalk, only one of the two doors will open, go through. Something has killed the alien grunt.

The Alien grunt was killed by a rocket launcher, there is a trip mine 'in front' of it and a corridor on the left close to the gun with more trip mines. IF you can get through and into that corridor, you will get trip mines and RPG ammo and some more arrows.

This neat bit of advice comes from Asrale:

"What you have to do is, from the main hallway, swing into the one with the manned turret at a running pace. Hug either wall, and when a rocket starts up (you'll hear it),hug the other wall. Keep running. Lobbing an MP203 grenade ahead of you will take care of the claymores. When you get there, turn and run into it. Follow a similar process to get back to the main hallway.

It's really easy, just try it. The trick is, when the Marine fires the rocket, he's aiming for your current position. If you stay in the middle of the hall, you're an easy target. But if you stick to a wall and then move overto the other as soon as the rocket is fired, it's easily avoidable".

Return to where the corpse of the alien grunt was. There are soldiers waiting around the corner.......when they are dead open the door on your right,inside there are two Barneys, one dead and one alive and some boxes, HEV and health. Go back to the corridor and smash the boxes that block the end. Soldiers and sandbags are on your left,deal with them, smash boxes and then go through the door.

Cross the lift-platform and go around and behind the wobbly loader. There is a vent,smash your way inside and crawl through and drop into the water, climb up the ladder and smash the grill. An alien grunt sees you and rushes to open some doors to an ammo store. A door opens to a red 'industrial' area, below you can see a grunt and a truck, what if someone dropped a snark down that pipe? Go back to the ladder, swim thru the water and go back up into the vent to the loader.

'Use' the lift and go down. There is a big metal door straight ahead,and numbered buttons on the wall to your left. 'Use' number three to bring Gonarch down. Go through the door on your left into a large area with windows, look through, Soldiers are killing vautigaunts. Climb a ladder up to an area with machines and boxes. There are four assassin-gals hiding in here, eventually a severely injured Barney manages to open a hatch for you.

Climbdown the ladder and step over the now dead security guard to operate a button on the control panel. The metal door opens and Gonarch comes into the area below, she pushes her way through some metal boxes and disappears from view.

Climb back up the ladder and then down the other ladder, follow Gonarch.There is a sign on the wall 'Lab. Xen Teleport system' and a red button onthe wall. 'Use' the button and a door turns, revealing the laboratory.

Go forwards into the lab. There is a machine creating a teleportation sphere, and a scientist who may talk to you, there are some stairs on your left that lead to another door. As you climb the stairs alarms go off, the machinery starts to break down and the cat walk above the teleportation ball collapses. Freeman falls....into Another world.

Another world.

"Everything in our universe - including you and me,every atom and every galaxy - has counterparts in these other universes. Some counterparts are in the same places as they are in our universe, while others are in different places. Some have different shapes, or are arranged in different ways; some are so different that they are not worth calling counterparts. There are even universes in which a given object in our universe has no counterpart - including universes in which I was never born and you wrote this article instead".
"David Deutsch"
You are standing in something like a church. In front of you are two grey doors. Go through, ghost zombies, headcrabs and vautigaunts await. The right side leads to some blocks and no way out, left is the way to go.

More vautigaunts and headcrabs are in the next room. Explore carefully avoiding the blood-splat on the floor. There is a health kit in an alcove under the ramp on your left. In the centre of this area you can see a floating rectangle directly above the blood. On the ceiling above the floating block you can see a yellow button, you will need to 'use' this button.

To cause the block to come down, run onto the blood-splatt and then jump back quickly, now run up the ramp......jump onto the block before it goes back up. When you are on top of the block 'use' the button [if it doesn't work, jump and hit it with your head!]. A door opens revealing ghost barnacles and a rotating spiral stair-case, there is a Xen master and a vautigaunt at the bottom of the stairs. Deal with the master and toss a grenade down to kill the vautigaunt.

Crouch and move forwards so that you can get safely onto the stairs,there is no point shooting the barnacles, they don't seem to die? Creep forwards until you get to the bottom of the spiral-stair. Quickly jump onto the floor in the middle of the stairs. It is a platform which will start to take you up to the barnacles, Jump back onto the wall and then down onto the floor under the platform There is a hole in the centre of the floor so jump into it.

Crouch and go through the tunnel this takes youto a narrow area. On your right you can see a window leading to two spinning rooms, you need to make your way straight through the first room and  smash the glass that divides the two rooms, crouch-jump into the next room and line yourself up with the clock.

The way out is above the settee and you need to fall through the hole to get out. The hole is opposite the clock . Crouch forward when the 'office complex' floor is the floor [not the ceiling] and stay crouched...eventually you will manage to fall through the hole.The two rooms are rotating in a big room, go left and kill the bullsquid. Climb the blocks that take you up to a grey door. The door opens revealing a long room full of sound-dogs and head-crabs,kill as many as you can before going inside. There is another door at the far end, when everything is killed explore this room very carefully because there is a secret inside this room. Push a trolley up to the door, open the door and shove the trolley through. Climb up onto the trolley to 'use' the health dispenser and to smash the boxes for batteries,finally use the trolley to get you up to the next door.

You are in a room that contains a massive clock, three pendulums swing above water, a ghost ichthyosaur swims around. If you fall into the water there is a platform under the water on your left which will bring you back up. I jumped from a ledge on the left side of the room to start the journey across the pendulums.

Eventually you get to the door. There are four Xen masters in the next area and a 'Tron' block floating in the centre of the room. When the 'masters' are dead, shoot the blue disc high up on the wall.

One of the blocks in here causes a staircase to unfold, it is on the opposite side to where you first entered the room. Climb the stairs and jump onto the centre of the tron-block and 'use' the button above you, again try jumping  if 'use' doesn't work. A door opens and a pit of water opens below you to break your fall.

Go into the corridor [LOADING] there is a grey door in front of you which opens to a room containing sound-dogs. Kill all in front of you and explore the corridor on your right.

Kill the alien grunt and take the ammo. Look at the orange sludge, a headcrab sits on a disc and there is a picture of a girl. Shoot the target that she holds, a pillar falls down allowing you to jump across the orange-stuff . Look under the target-girls picture to find health and then 'use' the lever to get back up onto her picture. Jump down and between the pillars to get out.

Continue around the area,your way is blocked by more orange-water. Jump up onto the ledge at the side of the wall and then diagonally across to the next ledge,then to the floor. Black and white blocks are on this the far end, look right to shoot the bullsquid. Get as close as you can to the gap, there is another lever which Freeman can 'use' this lowers the floor temporally so that you can get into the next passageway.'Use' the lever again to take a ride up before you continue.

Barnacles hang from the ceiling, it is worth it to let them catch you and then to kill them with the crowbar.

As you walk in front of the barnacles you set off a trap, the walls start to move you sideways, towards an alien grunt, there are more headcrabs and vautigaunts waiting for you. So set off the trap by running forwards, as the walls start to move, run will still take damage from hornets, but will be able to deal with the aliens one by one from the corridor.

Go through the room and open the door, climb onto the platform and 'use' the black go up to another room containing one alien grunt. Climb up the little steps and something like a sedan chair comes down, get inside and stay crouching and enjoy the ride!

Get out of the Sedan chair and 'use' the red-cross. In front of you is a short platform, as you walk forwards, another Tron-block descends. It looks as if there is water all around.

The black and white area is a platform which will take you to the top of the tron-block where you can see rings of ghosts looking at you.'Use' theTron block and you should get the train-icon, press forwards to get to the top of the ghost-rings. At the top engage forwards again to get up to the next level.

If none of this works [didn't for me] Jump down and climb onto a foot of the Tron-block.'Use' that to get the train icon, press forwards and the Tron-block takes you to the top of the ghost tower. Look around, there are parallel lines going up a wall,this is as good as a ladder, climb up. As you walk around this roof a teleportation sphere appears and Barney and a vautigaunt rescue Gordon.

You are back in the labs. Go through the gate marked 'danger' and follow the scientist. A scientist in there shows you the Tau cannon and the Egon, take them plus all the ammo, go through the nextdoor and pick up as much as you can carry.

Another scientist opens the door and tells you to be careful.


Go through into the corridor, as you get to the metal door at the end soldiers start to cut through.

When they have been killed go carefully towards the next room on your left. Creep forwards and snipe the soldiers in there with the crossbow.

Pick up more ammo and use the health kit. Climb the ladder up to a control panel with two buttons 'use' them. Cross over the floor where the soldiers have disintegrated, carefully go around the corner, snipe the grunt standing on top of the tank before he sees you.

There are two tanks with guns and on your left there is a there are various ways in which to kill the soldiers who are waiting behind sandbags, around the next corner.

'Use' the button and it brings down some laser equipment.

There is another button on the barrier that comes down. If Barney is waitingfor you on the other side, leave him where he is and continue onto the lift.

Two soldiers hear the lift and attack you as the lift descends,kill them. Further on, the way is half blocked by metal boxes.Soldiers are on the other side putting aliens into cages.

Creepforwards on the left side of the corridor. When you reach the boxes the grunt puts the last vautigaunt into the cage [this helps to protect it. You will NOT be able to continue if this vautigaunt is killed]. There is a health kit and a HEV battery on top of the boxes, one grunt by the vautigaunt and another on top ofthe sound-dog's cage by the door. When these two grunts are dead, two more drop in, from a gap above the sound-dog's cage. Deal with them and then release all the Xen creatures, have the stripped edge at thebottom of the cage in view and press 'use' key.

A vautigaunt unlocksthe door, go thru...........Assassins are waiting.

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